Pregnancy Adjustments and Accommodations for Students

Georgetown University is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. This prohibition includes discrimination against pregnant and parenting students.

Students may request adjustments based on general pregnancy needs or accommodations based on a pregnancy-related condition. Please review the information below as well as this overview document to learn more about your options and the University’s processes.

What types of adjustments may I request?

Students seeking a pregnancy adjustment are to complete a Pregnancy Adjustment Request Form noting the requested reasonable adjustment.  Specific adjustments will be handled on a case by case basis and will depend on medical need and academic requirements. Some examples include:   

  • a larger desk
  • breaks during class, as needed
  • permitting temporary access to elevators
  • rescheduling tests or exams
  • excusing absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
  • submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth
  • providing alternatives to make up missed work
  • allowing excused absences for parenting students (both mothers and fathers) who need to take their children to doctors’ appointments or to take care of their sick children

How do I request adjustments?

Adjustment requests should be directed to one of the appropriate University staff members listed below. The University staff member will discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs, and may ask for documentation that supports the requested adjustments.

Requests from Undergraduate students should be directed to:
Carol Day
Director, Health Education Services (HES)

Requests from Students in Main Campus and Medical Center Graduate Programs should be directed to:
Maria Snyder
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
(202) 687-5578

Requests from School of Continuing Studies students should be directed to:
Amanda Fleury
Associate Director, Academic Affairs and Compliance

Requests from School of Medicine students should be directed to:
Kathryn Hart
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine

Requests from Law Center students should be directed to:
Mitchell C. Bailin
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

Requests from Georgetown University- Qatar students should be directed to:
Mahnaz Nowrozi Mousavi, Ph.D., MSCP
Director Student Wellness and Counseling Center (SWCC)

In certain situations, a student may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation due to a pregnancy-related condition. Accommodation requests should be directed to one of the appropriate University staff members listed below. The University staff member will discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs, and may ask for documentation that supports the requested accommodations.

Requests from Main Campus and Medical students should be directed to:
Academic Resource Center

Requests from School of Continuing Studies students should be directed to:
SCS Disability/Learning Skills Advisor

Requests from Law Center students should be directed to:
Mary Ellen Vigeant
Disability Services at GULC

Requests from Georgetown University-Qatar students should be directed to: 
Mahnaz Nowrozi Mousavi, Ph.D., MSCP
Director Student Wellness and Counseling Center (SWCC)

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